Get Your Own Caption When Windows Is Logon...

Follow the 4 Simple Steps to get Your Own Customized Welcome message on Logon to Windows

  • Step1: Open Run (Press Windows Key + R) then type regedit


  • Step2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->Microsoft->Windows->CurrentVersion->Policies->System.
    On the right pane, find “legalnoticecaption” double click it and enter whatever name you want for caption.


  • Step3: Now double click on “legalnoticetext” and enter your message that you want to show-up on logon screen

  • Step4: 

    Close the registry editor and restart your computer. After restart you will notice your Own Customized text in the place of default Windows 7 login screen. 

    You can revert back to normal logon screen by following the same steps and removing both caption and text.
